Legal Notice, General Conditions and Privacy Policy



Au sein de ces Conditions Générales, les termes « Survcoin S.A.-S.I.S. », « nous », « notre » ou « nos » font référence à Survcoin S.A.-S.I.S.

Survcoin S.A.-S.I.S. is a company registered in the Luxembourg Business Register under the trade register number: B267297, with its registered office at 10 rue de Dormans, Luxembourg.

SURVCOIN S.A.-S.I.S. peut être joint par courrier à l’adresse mentionnée ci-dessus, ou par Email :

The website (as well as, and , ci-après nommé “le site” présente l’activité de la société “Survcoin S.A.-S.I.S. »  ci-après nommée « l’entreprise ».  Les présentes « conditions générales d’utilisation » ont pour objet l’encadrement juridique des modalités de mise à disposition des services du site et leur utilisation par la personne qui les utilise, ci-après nommé « l’utilisateur ». L’utilisation du site implique l’acceptation par l’internaute qui le visite des conditions générales reprises ci-dessous dans leur intégralité et de façon irrévocable.

Legal notice


10 rue de Dormans, Luxembourg


Registered with the Luxembourg Business Register

Trade register number: B267297

Legal form: S.A. – S.I.S.

VAT identification number: LU34244966

Owner: Jean Lasar

Bank account details:

BGL BNP Paribas

Iban: LU80 0030 4520 9815 0000


Website hosted by PlanetHoster.

Liability limitation

The sources of the information published on the site are deemed reliable. However, the site reserves the right not to guarantee the reliability of the sources. The information provided on the site is for information purposes only. Thus, the user alone assumes full responsibility for the use of the information and content of the site. The company accepts no responsibility for any third-party websites or services to which the user may have access via hyperlinks on the site, or for services integrated into the site but managed by a third party. The photos and other media displayed on the site are not contractual.

Intellectual property

The general structure as well as the content of the site, in particular the images, texts, photos, videos, etc. are protected by intellectual property law. Unless otherwise stated, these elements are the exclusive property of the company or of third parties from whom they have obtained the necessary authorisation. It is therefore forbidden to reproduce, use, distribute, modify, market, or license, in whole or in part, the elements reproduced on the site or, more generally, the structure of the site, without the prior and express authorisation of the company. Failure to comply with this provision may result in prosecution in accordance with the laws in force.

Privacy and personal data (RGPD)

If personal information, mainly contact details (such as name and surname, e-mail address), is requested from the user via, for example, a contact form, this data is processed in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Privacy with regard to the Processing of Personal Data and, as of 25 May 2018, with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC. The user has the right to access and modify the personal data collected concerning him/her. To do so, the user may send a request by post or e-mail to the company.


The site uses cookies in order to facilitate navigation on the website and as part of the Matomo Analytics service. A cookie is a small file saved in the visitor's Internet browser, but which does not allow the visitor to be identified, and which can be recovered during a subsequent visit to the same site. A cookie cannot be read by a website other than the one that created it. It is possible to block these cookies by changing the settings of the Internet browser. However, it is possible that certain parts of the site may no longer be accessible or function optimally.

Privacy protection

Personal data collected via email, telephone or any other means will be processed in accordance with the laws and regulations in force. You will have the right at any time to access, modify or delete your personal data or to object, without justification and free of charge, to the use of such data for direct marketing purposes by sending a request to this effect by post to Survcoin S.A.-S.I.S. , 10 rue de Dormans, Luxembourg or by e-mail to


The nullity of one of the dispositions of these General Conditions does not imply the nullity of the entirety of these General Conditions. The other dispositions therefore remain applicable.

Competent jurisdictions and applicable law

The General Conditions are subject to the laws of Luxembourg and any dispute relating to them shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the judicial district of Luxembourg.

Table des matières